


Let’s look at the writings of Neal Frisby scroll 77
"IN THIS SCRIPT WE WANT TO BRING OUT VERY IM­PORTANT THINGS TO THE ELECT CHURCH! We are living in an age where more spellbinders are rising with false signs preparing the way for the beast system; wherein a skillful chief wizard known as the anti-christ will totally control the masses as in the form of ultra-magic! - A super charmer is on his way! At first a very religious and cunning personality, but in the end reverts back into idols and abomination!" (Rev. 13:13-18) - "If you don't believe that it's a real sharp crafty delusion" (religious too) then read S1. Matt. 24:24 where it says, "if it were possible they shall deceive the very elect!" And this is speaking of just the anti-christ forerunners and not of himself! - "But the elect will not be deceived, but will be translated before it goes into full wizardry in his full beast form!" - "In all my writings I'm trying to show the different aspects to this system that will come! Read on, we have some interesting things to reveal.

Suppose  that  a  group  of  pagans  got together   and   decided   that   they wanted  to  form  a  men’s  only  club with  each   man   independently deciding   that   he   wanted   to   start every  meeting  with  a  prayer  to  his demon  god.  They  could  all  agree  to this,   but  they  would  have  a  rough time  selecting   a   name   which   all could  embrace . 
 Hindus  would  want to  worship  Vishnu,  and  of  course,  the men  of  other  pagan  religions  would want  to  worship  their  demon  god  by the  name  they  commonly  use.  They  could  not  agree  to  use  the  name  for the  demon  god  of  any  one  pagan  religion  without  favoring  one  religion over  another.  Additionally,  if  they  choose  to  use  an  obviously  pagan  name for   the  object  of  worship,  they  will  have  a  hard  time  getting  even immature  Christians to  join  the  club  and participate  in  worship  with  them . Of course, that is exactly what the Satan wants.)  If  they  choose  a  neutral name,  such  as  the Sovereign  Grand  Creator  of  the  Universe ,  and  open  all of  their  prayers  in  his  name,  then  all  of  the  worshippers  can  be  satisfied. But  are  they  now  worshipping  the  God  of  Abraham,  Isaac  and  Jacob,  the God of  the Bible? No, they are still worshipping demons. Now  consider  the  situation  if  a  Christian  were  to  walk  into  a  Hindu  temple and  take  part  in  the  worship  service;  he  would  assume  that  he  was worshipping  Jesus,  even  though  he  was  joining  in  corporate  prayer  to Vishnu.  Would  the  God  of  Abraham,  Isaac  and  Jacob  be willing  to accept worship  in  this  manner ?  The answer is found in Paul’s first letter to the church at Corinth. Paul wrote: ". .  . The sacrifices of pagans are offered to demons, not to God, and I do not want you to be participants with demons. You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons too; you cannot have a part in both the Lord’s Table and the table of demons. Are we trying to arouse the Lord’s jealousy? Are we stronger than he?  Corinthians 10:20-22
 Now  consider  the  situation  if  the  Hindus  agree  to  change  the  name  which they  use  from  Vishnu  to Sovereign  Grand Creator  of  the  Universe .  Even  if they  are  able  to  agree  to  change  the  name  that  they  use  to  identify  their demon,   certain   elements   of   pagan   worship   rituals,   such   as circumambulation,  remain. With  a substitute  name for  the  demon,  would  it then  be  acceptable  for  a  Christian  to  participate  in  the  Hindu  ceremony  of worship? What  if  the  Hindus  decide  that  when  a  man  who  calls  himself  a Christian  officiates  at  the  services,  they  will  allow  him  to  close prayers  to Vishnu  in  Jesus'  name long  time .  Would that make it “Christian?”    If, over a  long, ,  the  number  of  men  who  claimed  to  be  Christians  increased and the  number  of  Hindus decreased,  until finally  there  were  no more  men who  professed  to  be  Hindu  taking  part  in  the  Hindu  rituals  of  worship, would  it then be "Christian?" How is this different from worship in the pagan men’s club?  Of  course,  the men’s  club  would  claim  that  their  club  is  not  a  religion.  Is the worship of demons through prayer made any less idolatrous not a religion? by  the  claim  that  it  is These  situations  accurately  model  the  worship  which  takes  place  in Masonic  Lodges  today. 

Freemasonry  teaches  that  there  is  one  God  and that  men  of  all  religions  worship  that  one  God  using  a  variety  of  different names.  In  a  Masonic  Lodge,  all  join  in  corporate  prayer  to  the A architect o f t he U universe,  ( GAOTU Great ).   When  Christopher  Haffner  wrote Workman  Unashamed,  The  Testimony  of  a  Christian  Freemason, correctly  espoused  Masonic  teaching  when he wrote: he "Now  imagine  me  standing  in  lodge  with  my  head  bowed  in  prayer between  Brother  Mohammed  Bokhary  and  Brother  Arjun  Melwani.  To neither  of  them  is  the  Great  Architect  of  the  Universe  perceived  as  the Holy  Trinity.  To  Brother  Bokhary  He  has  been  revealed  as  Allah;  to  Brother Melwani  He  is  probably  perceived  as  Vishnu.  Since  I  believe  that  there  is only one  God, I am confronted with three possibilities: They are praying to devil nothing  whilst  I am praying to God; , as  their gods do not exist; They are praying to  the same God  as  I, yet their  understanding of His  nature is partly  incomplete (as  indeed is  mine--1 Cor13:12) It is  without hesitation that I accept  the third possibility." (Workman Unashamed, p39) It is truly a shame that Heffner did not read and understand chapter 10 of 1st Corinthians. If he had, he would have understood that pagans worship demons, not God. Islam denies that Jesus Christ is the Unique Son of God. Rather, it declares that Jesus was only a prophet. Islamic doctrine declares that Allah, the god of Islam, does not have a son. Since the God of the Bible has a Son, and since Allah, the God of Islam, does not have a Son, Allah cannot be the God of the Bible. Furthermore, if  Haffner  had read and understood  the book of  2nd John he would have understood  that those who reject Jesus Christ, and do not  follow  in His  teachings, do  not even have  God.  John wrote: "Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God. He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son." "If  there come  any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him  not him  God  speed into  your house, neither bid : For  he  that biddeth him  God speed is partaker  of his  evil deeds " (2  John 9-11) With an understanding  of this passage, it  is possible to  know  that those who organized the paganism known as Freemasonry  were not Christians. They were not continuing in the teaching of the Scriptures. Would Christians substitute the name GAOTU for God? Plus do away with the name of Jesus, so that pagans could join with them in prayer without being offended? No, true Christians would have shared Jesus with the pagans so that they too might have salvation through faith in Him.  Further, true Christians would not read Scripture and then claim that their revelation is as incomplete as the pagan! It is true that there is one God.  However,  all  men,  specifically  pagans,  do not  worship  that  one  God.  The worshippers of Baal learned the truth on Mt.  Carmel.  Baal is not the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.  Judgment was   swift   on   Mt.  Carmel.   (See   1 Kings 18:20-40.) 

  The   god   of Freemasonry, the GAOTU [the God of the Bible. Grand A architect O f T he U universe ] ,  is  also not Will  God  judge  Masons  who  do  not  repent  and  continue  to  worship  the GAOTU  any  differently  than he  judged the worshippers of Baal? "Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God." (1 Cor 6:9-10) What will Jesus tell the Mason who claims to be a Christian? "Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.  Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? And in thy name have cast out devils? And in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you depart from  me, ye that work  iniquity   Matthew  7:21-23 joining  in  pagan  worship  ceremonies,  WE  sinned  against  God we  realized  that  the GAOTU .  When was  not  the  God  of  the  Bible,  we  claimed  the promise found in John's first letter: "This  is the  message we  have  heard from him and declare to you:  God is  light; in him  there is  no  darkness at all. If we claim to have fellowship with him yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not live by the truth. But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, purifies us from all sin. If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness." If you are a Christian who has become ensnared in Freemasonry, we urge you to confess your involvement in Freemasonry as sin and renounce, as we have. Jesus wants to forgive you, but his forgiveness is dependent on your confession and repentance. Duane Washum, Ex-Masons  For Jesus Now  that  we  understand  that  the  very  organization  of  Freemasonry  is contributing  to  the  advancement  of  the  coming  One-World  system  of religion   of  the  False  Prophet  and  of  Antichrist,  we  can  more  easily understand  how  Freemasonry  was  created  so  as  to  enable  all  men  of  all religions  to  join  in  worship.    Though each  one  voices  worship  and  prayer to  the  GAOTU,  each  one  in  his  inner  heart  feels  he  is  worshipping  the demons  behind  his  own  god.    Then,  after  a  very  long  time,  American Freemasonry  no  longer  has  anyone  attending  who  is  from  a  foreign religion,   so   they   stand   together   as "Christians"   
praying  to  the  old traditional  demons  behind GAOTU. Once  we  take  another  quick  look  at  the traditional  Masonic  symbols  that  we  saw  at  the  beginning  of  this  article, we  can  see  the  demonic  force  behind  Freemasonry.    Take another close look at this symbol, below. We  found  this  symbol  at  a  Wiccan Witchcraft site,, in  a  section  entitled, "History  of  Pentagrams"!    I bet you never   stopped   to   think   that   the traditional   Masonic   emblem   is   a Devil’s Pentagram, did you?    Let  us view  a  traditional  pentagram  so  you  will  have  a  point  of  reference  by which to  compare this  Masonic  emblem. As  you  can  see,  the  Masonic  emblem  IS  a  pentagram, with  only  the  left-to-right  arms  missing.    In  the  early days,  Masons  intended  to  display  this  emblem  publicly, so  they  eliminated  the  left-to-right  arms  to  camouflage the  fact  that  this  was  a  Pentagram.    But, pagans like the Wiccans are not fooled.    Listen to their explanation of the camouflaged Masonic Pentagram. "In  Freemasonry,  Man  as  Microprosopus  was  and  is  associated  with  the five-pointed  Pentalpha  [Pentagram].  The  symbol  was  used,  interlaced  and upright  for  the  sitting  Master  of  the  Lodge.  The  geometric  properties  and structure   of   the   Endless   Knot   were   appreciated   and   symbolically incorporated  into  the  72  degree  angle  of  the  compasses  - the  masonic emblem  of  virtue and duty." [Ibid.] Thus,  fellow  pagans  like  Wiccan  Witchcraft  have  no  trouble  seeing  the truth,  that  Freemasonry  is  one  of  the  many  pagan  organizations  in  the world!    Pictures do not lie!    Also, notice the explanation they give the Eastern Star emblem.    "The  womens'  branch  of  freemasonry  uses  the  five pointed  'Eastern  Star'  as  its  emblem.  Each point commemorates a heroine of biblical lore."  [Ibid.]    While  this  picture  seems  to  show  10  points,  the Eastern  Star  is  really  only  5  points,  with  the  other  five  being  just  repeated at   slightly   different  angles.  Freemasonry goes to great lengths to disguise its true origins.  
  We are indebted to the Wiccan witches for revealing the truth to us! Now,  let  us  return  to  the  subject  of  the  very  organization  of  Masonry enabling  them  to  bring  all  religions  of  the  world  into  its  temples,  and  to deceive  the  immature,  and  Biblicall  illiterate  Christian  into  thinking  they are  Christian.  This  organization  is  the  reason  that  the  name,  Jesus  Christ, is  not  mentioned  in  any  rituals.  Remember  that  a  belief  in  God  alone  is  not enough  for  salvation  and  eternal  life  with  Jesus  Christ.    The  Apostle James captures  this  truth in  James  2:19, ""Thou  believest that there  is one God; thou doest  well:  the  devils  also believe, and tremble."  Obviously, the demons  who believe  in God are not saved;  likewise, any  person who claims  belief in  God without  also believing  in, and trusting alone in Jesus  Christ alone  for  salvation, is  not saved.   Finally, remember that no one can will themselves into Heaven, nor can anyone claim their way into Heaven.  Jesus Christ alone the decision as to who is truly His and who is not. makes Now that you know how the  very  organization of  Freemason contributes mightily  to their  advancement of the  One-World Religion of the  coming New World Order, you  can get a  good idea  just  how  close we are  to the End of  the Age. Are you spiritually ready? Is your family? Are you adequately protecting your loved ones?  This  is  the reason for this ministry, to  enable you to first  understand  the peril facing you, and then help  you  develop strategies to  warn and protect your loved ones . Once you have been thoroughly trained, you can also use your knowledge as a means to open the door of discussion with an unsaved person. I have been able to use it many times, and have seen people come to Jesus Christ as a result. These perilous times are also a time when we can reach many souls for Jesus Christ, making an eternal difference. Now that you know how the  very  organization of  Freemason contributes mightily  to their  advancement of the  One-World Religion of the  coming New World Order, you  can get a  good idea  just  how  close we are  to the End of the Age. Are you spiritually ready?  Is your family ready?  Are you adequately protecting your loved ones?  This  is  the  reason  for  this  ministry,  to  enable  you  to  first understand  the  peril  facing  you,  and  then  help  you  develop  strategies  to warn  and  protect  your loved  ones .  Once  you  have  been  thoroughly  trained, you  can  also  use  your  knowledge  as  a  means  to  open  the  door  of discussion  with  an  unsaved  person.  I  have  been  able  to  use  it  many  times, and  have  seen  people  come  to  Jesus  Christ  as  a  result.  These  perilous times  are  also  a  time  when  we  can  reach  many  souls  for  Jesus  Christ, making an  eternal difference. If  you  have  accepted  Jesus  Christ  as  your  personal  Savior,  but  have  been very  lukewarm  in  your  spiritual  walk  with  Him,  you  need  to  immediately ask  Him  for  forgiveness  and  for  renewal.  He  will  instantly  forgive  you,  and fill  your  heart  with  the  joy  of  the  Holy  Spirit.  Then, you need to begin a daily walk of prayer and personal Bible Study. If  you  have  never  accepted  Jesus  Christ  as  Savior,  but  have  come  to realize  His  reality  and  the  approaching  End  of  the  Age,  and  want  to  accept His  FREE  Gift  of  Eternal  Life,  you  can  also  do  so  now,  in  the  privacy  of your  home.  Once  you  accept  Him  as  Savior,  you  are  spiritually  Born  Again, and  are  as  assured  of  Heaven  as  if  you  were  already  there.  Then, you can rest assured that the Kingdom of Antichrist will not touch you spiritually. If you would like to become Born Again, turn to our Salvation Page now. We  hope  you  have  been  blessed  by  this  ministry,  which  seeks  to  educate and  warn  people,  so  that  they  can  see  the  coming  New  World  Order  -

Insight from the scroll

” MICAH 5:12-13, "SHOWS GOD WILL CUT OFF WITCH­CRAFT AND THE SOOTHSAYERS, He will also cut the graven images and idols off! - It's coming into prominence that more and more church people are dabbling into anything that is super­natural whether it has any Scriptural foundation or not!" – I Tim. 4: I, "Now the spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils! People start off with small amounts of witchcraft not knowing that is what it is at first, then they are taken over by spirits that actually talk to them! - When traveling in earlier Crusades many of these kinds of cases would come to me and God would cast out the spirits and they were heal­ed! Only the power of God can heal such cases!" - Deu1. 18: 10, - "There shall not be found among you those that sacrifice their children through fire, nor that useth divination, I}or an observer of time, nor an enchanter or witch! In Bible times they used strange and odd ways to try to tell the people's future and so forth (known today as fortune tellers). The Bible continues, or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer

Ebube Jonathan Onbehalf Of TeamElect!!

what we say to one we say to all watch and pray
to be accounted worthy to escape with Christ
through translation 

THE RISE OF CULTISM THE RISE OF CULTISM Reviewed by Amb Ebube Jonathan on 11:08 PM Rating: 5

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