

Dear Harvest Partner,
The most spectacular solar eclipse in American history will take place on August 21, 2017 and will be visible from coastto coast, according to NASA. It will be the first total eclipse visible only in the USA since the country’s 1776 founding.Starting from the May 2014 letter we spoke of the first important event that started the 17 year cycle. Nov. 2008 a new anddifferent president was elected. Great changes have come to the USA and all nations already.During this cycle we should see thefulfillment of the one world government system.Next was the new 7 year cycle, Mar.11, 2011 bringing a major earthquake inJapan. That brings us to Feb. 3, 2012, a new 14 year cycle began. Next will start with an event–A new and different pope wascrowned on March 13, 2013 named Pope Francis, aged 76.–Since April 15, 2014 the first of 4 blood moons as well as the mostmagnificent grand square in the heavens occurred on April 23, 2014. These events came just before a historical event.On May 24,2014 Pope Francis scheduled a major peace initiative with Israel.It included a meeting with the Palestinian leaders as well asJewish, Catholic, Orthodox and Muslim leaders. And since then he has met with many other world leaders.–Pope Francisscheduled a visit to the United States Sept. 19-27, 2015.  For the first time in U.S. history a pope addressed a joint session ofthe United States Congress in Washington, DC, on Sept. 25th; the first pontiff ever to do so in congressional history.He alsoaddressed the UN during his visit. During and around the time of Featured hese historical events an annular solar eclipse took placeonSept.13, 2015, andimmediately after on Sept. 28ththere was a super moon in total eclipse over the east coast and Washington,DC.It was the last of the four blood moons since April 15, 2014. These events are significant at the time of these historical events.It’s as if the heavens are marking time, Luke 21:25.Now a quote from Neal Frisby’s library.NUMERICAL REVELATIONS–In the Bible there are ancient code numbers and symbolic figures, etc. Some of the oldtime Evangelists searched out some of the numericals, so along with some of my interruptions we will give them in this Script. Thesubject is very interesting and we will quote for instance–NINE–The number nine is a most remarkable number in manyrespects. It is held in great reverence by all who study the occult sciences; and in mathematical science it possessesproperties and powers which are found in no other number.It is the last of the digits, and thus marks the end; and issignificant of the conclusion of a matter. It is akin to the number six, six being the sum of its factors (3 x 3=9), and (3 +3=6), andis thus significant of the end of man, and the summation of all man’s works.Nine is, therefore, The Number of Finality orJudgment, for judgment is committed unto Jesus as “the Son of man” (John 3:27, Acts 17:31).It marks the completeness, theend and issue of all things as to man–the judgment of man and all his works.It is a factor of 666, which is 9 times 74. But 666was the secret symbol of the ancient pagan mysteries connected with the worship of the Devil.It is to this day the secretconnecting link between those ancient mysteries and their modern revival of Spiritualism.And leads to this electronic digital age inRev. 13:16-18.–It is the worship of the scarlet prince (false god).–“As the Scripts said from 1997-99 would lead into theworld’s most astounding events!” If you turn 666 upside down you get 999–from that point on, the whole earth will change intoacomplete new system! And from 1999–(Autumn 2001) 2003 denoted gigantic occurrences!–Remember Solomon they brought666 shekels of gold to him each year!So this number is associated to gold! “For the anti-Christ shall have power over allprecious things to back up his system and mark!” (Dan. 11:43)The judgments of God in Hag. 1:11 are enumerated in nineparticulars: “And I called for a drought upon the land, and upon the mountains, and upon the corn, and upon the new wine, andupon the oil, and upon that which the ground bringeth forth, and upon men, and upon cattle, and upon all the labour of the hands.–(Read Rev. 6:5-6–Rev. 11: 3-6)–A tremendous economic convulsion is about to destroy the entire financial structure of theworld!The end result will be recessionary, inflationary depression, the magnitude of which we’ve never experienced. Millions ofpeople will be out of work, millions will be hungry. Riots, killings and plundering will sweep the nations!–“This will definitelyoccur near or approaching the Great Tribulation, until prosperity (new system) is restored out of chaos!”They call it amajor surgery to bring about a social and structural change for the USA!–All of this will be associated to a world religioussystem! (Luke 21:35-36)The future is now and going forward (Rev. Chaps. 17 & 18) “Wake up America!–Wake up saith theLord, night cometh soon!”End quote.This month I am releasing a book called“Prophet in Eclipse”as well as a DVD “God Calculates.”Now let us talk aboutour most special project:A large shipment with 22,000 pounds of Brother Frisby’s material was loaded onto a containerand left Long Beach, CA on June 4, 2017, it arrived at South Korea on 6/16, then onto Shanghai China on 6/23 where it wastransferred to another ship and sailed to Singapore on 7/2, then to Malaysia on 7/4, then onto Cape Town, South Africa on 7/21,and Apapa, Nigeria on 7/28 and it’s final destination, Lagos, Nigeria on July 30,2017, just in time for the summer camp meetingsin Africa! All of those who helped and support this ministry God will place a special blessing on each and every one for thismissionary work. May the wisdom of Jesus keep you and guide you.

AUGUST LETTER 2017 AUGUST LETTER 2017 Reviewed by Amb Ebube Jonathan on 11:17 AM Rating: 5

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